Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Grant Funding

Here is what the email said:

Don't miss your chance! If you can't read or see this e-mail. Click here or enable image viewing on your browser.

I guess these people don't know that I do grant research for a living so there is really no need for me to click on their link. I wouldn't have done it anyway - who knows where that "click" would lead to?

Since the email didn't say anything about grant funding in the email itself - this is probably another clever ploy for you to click the link to go to their website.

I know that a lot of people don't know the "ins and outs" of grants and the whole grant program process. That is one of the reasons why I started my Grant Basics 101 Blog. If you visit my grants blog you will find some general information about grants and the grant process in general.

Since I didn't visit the link on the email I really can't tell you too much about them since the link was all that was provided in the email.

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